How do I edit or cancel my Foodnoms+ subscription?
How to Cancel Your Foodnoms+ Subscription
It's easy to cancel or change your subscription. Here's how:
- Go to Settings app on your phone > [your name] > Subscriptions. Alternatively, on macOS, open System Settings, select your name, then "Media & Purchases", then "Subscriptions" > "Manage…".
- Select "Foodnoms - Nutrition Tracker".
- Select "Cancel Subscription".
Please note, payment is processed and managed by the Apple App Store.
How to Change Plans
There are a variety of Foodnoms+ plans. Some plans renew on annually and others renew monthly. There are individual and family plans. Here's how to change your current plan:
- Go to Settings app on your phone > [your name] > Subscriptions. Alternatively, on macOS, open System Settings, select your name, then "Media & Purchases", then "Subscriptions" > "Manage…".
- Select "Foodnoms - Nutrition Tracker".
- Select "See All Plans".
- Select the plan you wish to switch to.